The Other Room; A Poem Dedicated to President Muhammadu Buhari by James Mohammed

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The Power of the Other Room

The other room is so wonderful

Where the weak become so powerful

Even the king becomes the queen

And the queen becomes the king

The other room is so interesting

Where nobody is interfering

The leader becomes the follower

And the follower become the leader

The other room is not like the sitting room

Where visitors are allowed to come into the room

It is a room full of confession

After the woman has given the man cunctation

The other room is full of surprises

Where there are no more crises

Each party forgives so easily

And promises are fulfilled so early

The other room, man becomes so weak

Even to the extent of taking a milkless milk

The sound of the woman become so unique

It brings out a very good lyric

The other room is greater than the kitchen

The hungry ones are always pity

The food in there is sweater than honey

Even though the man has no money

The other room, life is so sweat

There is always a fine cool breeze

People always say the room has no heat

Unlike the sitting room and the kitchen

Compiled by James Mohammed, a writer and a journalist; 08153744780

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