Kogi Assembly Demands Comprehensive List of Abandoned Projects

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Kogi House of Assembly on Wednesday directed the state Ministry of Works to furnish it with list of abandoned projects in the state since its creation in 1991.

The assembly gave the directive in a resolution after debate on a motion by Sunday Shigaba (PDP-Bassa) calling on the state government to reconstruct the abandoned Oguma-Sharia Bridge, which collapsed last year.

Shigaba noted that the abandoned bridge had caused untold hardship on his constituents as it was affecting economic life of the people

He said that the immediate past government of former Gov. Idris Wada awarded contract for the reconstruction of the bridge towards the end of his tenure.

In their various contributions, Linus Eneche (PDP-Olamaboro), Godwin Osuyi (PDP-Ogori-Magongo) and John Abba (PDP-Ibaji) said reconstruction of the bridge would boost economic activities and revenue generation.

Matthew Kolawole (PDP-Kabba-Bunu) and Majority Leader of the House said that the level of abandoned projects since the state’s creation in 1991 was alarming.

Chairman of the House Committee on Works, Victor Omofaiye (PDP-Ijumu) noted that the committee said that work on the bridge was captured in the 2016 budget of the state.

Omofaiye stressed that the money earmarked for the project would not be diverted.

Ruling on the motion, the Speaker, Alhaji Umar Imam, directed that ministry of works forward to the Assembly list of all abandoned projects in the state to enable the house advise the state government appropriately.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the house also adopted at Wednesday’s plenary, a motion calling on the State government to direct Abuja Electricity Distribution Company (AEDC) to step up electricity supply to communities in Yagba-East constituency.

The motion was presented by Musa Omiata, the member representing the area and seconded by John Abba of Ibaji constituency.

The lawmakers described the development as unfortunate, saying that Kogi, being one of the states generating power should not be subjected to such perpetual darkness.

He said that some Local Governments in the state like Bassa and Ibaji were not enjoying electricity.


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