Much Ado About a Compensation Exercise; Gov Yahaya Bello’s Committee of Caretakers

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The uproar that greeted the inauguration of the caretaker committees to manage the affairs of local councils in Kogi State did not come as a surprise but what was intriguing about it is the contrasting reactions it elicited.

For the beneficiaries and their cronies, Gov. Bello might probably be the best thing that has happened to kogi state since creation. But those in the opposition and the disgruntled in the APC especially those who were counted not worthy of the bounties of power, it is time to proclaim the misfortune the Bello administration have become.

But an unambigous review of the latest in political appointments in Kogi state will help one see in proper perspective its implication to us as a people. What are the benefits accruable to a greater number of the people against the harm it will inflict on the state’s socio-economic profile.

Did Gov. Bello in his commissioning of the Committee of Caretakers embark on an exercise hitherto unprecedented in the history of Kogi state? The answer is a definite NO, because all administrations before him have at one time or the other in their tenure resorted to the Caretaker option to administer the local councils. On this Gov. Bello gets a NOT GUILTY verdict, the supplementary nature of his tenure notwithstanding.

Considering the pitiable financial situation of the local councils in Kogi state, is the hurried and urgent manner the committees were inaugurated the reasonable option for the government? The answer to this is absolutely NO and on this score, Gov. Bello gets a GUILTY AS CHARGED verdict irrespective of the prodigous and profligate disposition of the governor and his kitchen cabinet.

For a government that staked its integrity on fairness considering the concern over marginalization, is the latest exercise a confirmation of its commitment to equity or the esposure of its conceited deceit?

Despite the wailing in certain quaters that government is a paddy paddy arrangement in Kogi state as exemplified in the situation where Caretaker committee bosses are either nuclear relatives or lackeys of the SAs will appropriately guide on what answer is right for the question raised above.

One thing that we must all understand is that the present exercise is the exclusive prerogative of the governor and whatever political calculation and permutation that informed the final list is his decision and that of no other person. Stories have permeated the cyberspace on the alleged and supposed intrigues and power play that threw up the list but one thing we must realize is that there is a limit to which a list of 21 persons can accommodate the ambitions, aspirations and idiosyncrasies of the army of political jobbers and entrepreneurs in Kogi state.

In my humble opinion, there is actually no need to bust a vein because those who preached ‪#‎kogimustmoveforward‬ are now having a rethink about their believe of any possibility of peace in an atmosphere devoid of equity and justice.

The positive we can take away from the reactions to the present exercise is that for most people, every agitation is for personal gains especially the satiation of the political ambition of acolytes. Our state is now a political jungle where backstabbing and betrayal is the norm. Loyalty is now punished and sycophantic mediocrity elevated and celebrated.

I pointed out that the present administration as presently constituted will not lead Kogi state in the direction of peace and progress; the actions and pronouncements of the governing crew as presently constituted with the kitchen cabinet has unfortunately reinforced this believe with the state and its traumatized people bearing the brunt.

Congratulations to the supplementary committee of Caretakers with a solemn prayer for wisdom to avoid any activity that will result in a tenured residence in Kotonkarfe or Okebukun as the case may be. Enjoy it while it last because this is going to be the briefest of tenures for any committee of Caretakers in the history of Kogi state.

Another first for Gov. Yahaya Bello’s administration; an addition to the hoop of absurdities.

– Aiyenigba Olalekan writes from Ilorin.

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