#KogiDecides #TheKogiWeWant
Etymologically, corruption is derived from a Latin word “corruptus” which means to break or destroy. Literally, corruption means to break away or depart from morality, ethics and good virtues. Going by the above definition, corruption is a break away from what is good and right. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary on the other hand defines corruption as Dishonesty (which in other words is deceitfulness, fraudulence, lying, untruthfulness, treachery, duplicity).
The Word Bank defines corruption as “the abuse of public office for private gains.
Corruption is caused generally by greed, lack of positive values, porous system, weak enforcement and oversight mechanisms, excessive materialism, societal pressure, lack of virile welfare structures, insecurity of employment tenure, indiscipline, Inordinate desire for wealth accumulation (get-rich-quick-syndrome), poverty of the mind, nepotism (partiality, favoritism, preferential treatment, bias, discrimination etc), and lack of genuine fear of God.
President Muhammadu Buhari sees corruption as the highest form of human right violation. He also went further to posit that ” if Nigeria doesn’t kill corruption, corruption will kill Nigeria”. Hence, the need for every individual in the society to unite against this ugly trend.
As a way of ensuring #TheKogiWeWant
1. Public declaration of assets: All public officials should publicly declare their assets before assumption of office in line with the principle of transparency, openness and public accountability.
2. Speedy domestication of the freedom of information act, 2011 to enhance citizens access to public information.
3. Open Government: Government should introduce a policy that ensures openness and public integrity. This can be exemplified through monthly publication of state income and expenditures on all public outreach platforms like website, newspapers, radio and television platforms. Government should also organise monthly citizens town hall meeting to quarterly update the electorates on governance.
4. The state ministry of education should as a matter of policy main stream values and ethics as compulsory subjects in the education curriculum.
5. Zero tolerance for corruption at all levels of governance. This can be demonstrated by diligent prosecution of public officials accused of corruption and impunity.
– Umar Dan’Assabe Muhammed