Eid-El-Kabir: Ejeh Ankpa Escapes Assassination Attempt

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The Ejeh of Ankpa and chairman, Ankpa Area Traditional Council in Kogi, Alhaji Ahmadu Yakubu on Thursday narrowly escaped assassination by gunmen numbering about nine.


We  learnt that the alleged assassination attempt took place at Eti-Aja Eid Praying Ground in Ankpa where the traditional ruler in company of other Muslims went to worship as part of the Eid-el-Kabir celebrations.


Narrating his ordeal to newsmen shortly after his escape, the traditional ruler said that the gunmen numbering between eight and nine armed with guns and other weapons came to attack him on him as worshipers dispersed due to the rainstorm shortly before the end of the prayers.


The Royal Father explained that his guards who accompanied him to the praying ground quickly formed a protective shield round him and warded off the assassins.


Yakubu expressed gratitude to God for saving his life saying that though he was aware that hoodlums in the town had been plotting his downfall, he did not know they would resort to assassination.


He said he had often openly condemned the escalating criminal and secret cult activities in the town adding that criminals among the youths were giving Ankpa a bad name. “We are not bad people.


“We will continue to fight them, we will cooperate with security agencies to flush them out and bring them to book. We will not allow them to overrun Ankpa.”


The Senior Special Assistant 1 (SSA1) in charge of Ankpa Local Government Area, Alhaji Ibrahim Abagwu also speaking with newsmen on the incident condemned the assassination attempt.


“It was in view of the escalating criminal and cultists activities that we imposed a 7pm to 6am curfew to restrict movement of people. Now that they are after the Ejeh, I hope the security agents would be more serious”, he said.


He implored security agencies to make the curfew effective and charged them to ensure that the hoodlums were apprehended and made to face the wrath of the law.


When contacted, the Police Public Relations Officer for Kogi command, Williams Aya (ASP) said the command was yet to be briefed by the Ankpa division of the command.

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