Hassan Abdullahi Bewa for Okura constituency 2015

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It is with profound respect, humility and very passionate concern for the sustained growth, unity, peace and prosperity of our beloved Okura Constituency that I wish to share my thoughts, vision and desire on the impending democratic transition of political leadership in Okura constituency.

We all know that the issue of leadership has attracted the keen attention of every segment of our constituency because it is recognised as a very critical factor in the effort to actualize our aspiration as a people. As we are all aware, Okura constituency is one of the most endowed constituency in the state because of its vibrant human resource, wide variety of mineral deposits and immense agricultural as well as tourism potentials.

However, my dear compatriots, to fully harness these great potentials, we will need to establish and sustain a responsive leadership structure that is driven by high visionary ideals, focus, resourcefulness, sincerity, commitment, discipline, courage, resilience and determination. The challenge of building the Okura constituency of our dream is enormous and I believe we mus collectively chart a specific and sustainable direction of development based on our common vision and desire. I must quickly, therefore, commend the efforts of our past and present leaders who have shown great concern and working tirelessly for the unity and growth of our beloved constituency.

I personally believe that the House of Assembly race should bring out our best in a process that is free and guarantees equal opportunity for all our citizens. It is in this atmosphere that our best values, our great human and materials can be fully harnessed and the high aspirations of our ordinary citizens realised no matter which section of the constituency they reside. This will be the true spirit of Okura constituency and the noble path towards the actualization of the dreams of the founding father’s of our potentially great geo-polity

At this moment, it is obvious that all Okura indigenes are pre-occupied with the formation and direction of the new leadership that will take Hassan Abdullahi Bewa to Kogi State House of Assembly. I believe as one of the very eminent citizen of Okura constituency, you have a responsibility to play a crucial role in this process.

Given this background, “I feel personally challenged to enter into the race for the leadership of our constituency in the forth coming House of Assembly election to translate the vision I have for a new Okura constituency into reality”

I am fully aware of the enormous challenge of providing the necessary leadership for Okura constituency. Having been raised at home and involved in the last 12 years in the political building of our great party, the PDP in the state to meet the challenge of governance, I have adequate knowledge of the need of our ordinary people and how to achieve the common goals of accelerated development.

Our vision is to place Okura constituency first in all considerations. My vision is to use the numerous resource of Okura Constituency to develop the Constituency and work to unit our people and encourage peaceful communal life in every section of the constituency.

In addressing this challenges, we will require the support of all our people to set new target and build an entirely new society with very high aspirations.

My Dear Compatriots, as a people with common destiny, we have now constituted ourselves into a formidable structure with a vision and mission to make sure Hassan Abdullahi Bewa emerge in the forth coming House of Assembly election.

Thanks and God bless you all for your support and prayers.

Omachi Ibrahim
Coordinator, Hassan Bewa Political Network (HBPN).

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