Kogi House of Assembly Probes 2012 LGAs’ Revenue and Expenditure

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A joint committee of Kogi State House of Assembly, compressing the Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs, Public Accounts and that of Finance and Appropriation, has begun the appraisal of local governments revenue and expenditure for year 2012.

Speaking at the first sitting of the budget appraisal, the chairman of the Committee, Hon. Christopher Atule said the Assembly was looking into the effective utilization of fund that accrued to the local governments for the provision of necessary infrastructure at the grassroots in line with the present administration’s transformation agenda.

The Liaison Officers of Okene and Ibaji Local government areas who appeared before the Committee were represented by their Directors of Local Government and Treasures.

While presenting their financial documents for articulation, the committee observed that some vital pieces of information were not captured which include contracts awarded, staff list, monthly wage bill and unupdated financial records of December 2012.

The Committee directed that the comprehensive financial documents should be submitted to the Committee within the period of the defence for effective and comprehensive evaluation.

In another development, the Committee had directed all the financial handlers of all local governments in the state to be prudent in their resource management.

The Committee stated this when Lokoja and Mopa/Moro Local Governments appeared before the House for its budget 2012 appraisal.

It was a memorable festival where as expected, records were shattered while others were made.


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