5th Year Anniversary: Adabenege Adams Eulogises Governor Bello

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The chairman of Kogi State Local Government Service Commission, Hon. Adabenege Adams has congratulated Governor Yahaya Bello, his Deputy, Chief Edward Onoja and the entire cabinet members of the New Direction administration for a resounding sectoral achievements in the last five years.

Adams, who in a message described the five years of Governor Bello’ administration as eventful, said even the detractors cannot help commending the Governor on his proactive steps in the area of security, youths and women inclusion in governance and rural areas development.

While calling on the people of the state to deepen their prayers and support for the success of the New Direction administration, Hon. Adams revealed that the young Governor is assiduously working to have the Confluence State of our collective dreams.

The Local Government Service boss who declared satisfaction with the performance of the present administration expressed optimism that Governor Yahaya Bello will at the end of his eight-year administration raise the bars of legacy projects in the state.

“In the last five years, Governor Bello has justified the mandate given to him twice. There is tremendous improvement in security, health care delivery, education and human capital development. To me, these and many more are the reasons many interest groups are calling on him to contest for president of this country.” he said.

Hon. Adams used the opportunity to appeal to lovers of the APC and Governor Bello to actively participate in the ongoing members’ registration and revalidation, just as he argued that it is through APC membership that their voice could be heard.

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