2023 Kogi Gov’ship: What the Spirit is Saying to the Church

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…. And there shall come a man from the West, his name being Daniel: The same shall enter into the den of Lions, who, when he enters, shall demystified the ferocious beast, forcing it to lie low on its belly, to be made an apron and a head rest for men. And my people shall rejoice, for that beast, the white lion has been tamed.

And I see men and women, young and old, from the East, West and Centre, from whom the chalks have been collected for seven years and one, same received golden markers for the restoration of their livelihood.

And the voice of the Lord came into Daniel, pursue the spoil of him that have plundered the city, for ye shall surely overtake, and without fail, ye shall recover all. And Daniel did as he was instructed and recovered the spoils which the lion has accumulated, from the central city where the king lives inside a rock called Aso, to the lagoon city that has many roads, unto the port of high sea, where lived a king called Wike.

And the spoils were brought to the confluence of two rivers, called the Niger and the Benue.

Then Daniel handed the lion, (who called itself white, but is not) unto the big eagle birds, with the mouth of hawks, and they tore away its white camouflage, to reveal the black dirty linen that underlay the whitewashed blazer.

And the eagles with the mouth of hawks carried the beast to an unknown place. And Daniel sang a new song, and the people with him. And there was joy in the whole land.

He that has ears, let them hear, what the spirit saith unto the church.

– Pastor Stanley Ajileye writes from Ekinrin-Adde.

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