2020: Beware of False Prophets!

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By Ajogwu Jerry Ochada

It is a brand new season but for Afrocentric historians (a delight of my scholarship) the year is as old as the Julian/Gregorian calendars. It is another epoch time for religious vendors and soothsayers to gamble or dish out prophecies triggered by wild vision, perhaps revelations but believers and followers know the calibre of prophets to take serious because it is no longer business as usual.

All prophecies are not fake but when a self acclaimed ‘prophet’ embraces the gullibility of his followers to dish out varieties of annual hallucinations birthed by hypothesis, the norm turns sour in the communal tasting bud of religious faithfuls.

Psalm 105:15 which advised “touch not mine anointed and do my prophet no harm” is often invoked to mute perceived critics barking at over indulgence of numerous men and women of God but common sense is supposedly on standby to sieve realities from fallacies.

The grace of God is sufficient because we are all God’s creation and every man is born equal but all fingers are not equal, meanwhile there is no food for a lazy man. The game especially in this clime is not a rule of survival of the fittest but survival of the smartest banking on the unlimited grace of God. Manna will never fall from heaven in the 21st century because ideas now rule the world. Many prophecies will occur accordingly but we must be weary of false Prophets by embracing positive attitudes that can activate a prosperous future especially in year 2020. Above all, no man can break bound by power or by might but the supremacy of God remain the dominant motivator that attract excelling grace. In other words, you cannot thrive without the grace of God.

The year 2020 has been envisioned with prospective attributes as calculated by governments of third world countries and Nigeria is not an exception. Vision 2020 was a captivating anticipation for numerous citizens and at the end of this year, critics and pundits would attempt to dissect the realizations of the much chanted ‘vision’ or goals.

Find below, few keys to a successful 2020 which is devoid of any religious inclinations but a perfect guide triggered by personal thoughts:

    Life is not a competing venture or a race track. Destiny differ but you must shun unhealthy competitions by living according to your limits. Identify your strengths and move against your weaknesses. Gods grace is a perfect weapon to succeed but your abilities to identify opportunities is a start point.
    One of the secret of success is the act of winning together. The logic is simple: Be a ladder that will ensure the triumph of others. No man is an island and we can make the world a better place by winning together but remember, do not assist dogs with bone because by so doing you are training them to bite you and so many others someday. You must learn how to identify men of goodwill if you must win together.
    The year is unfolding and the trend of annual resolutions is soaring in the hearts of men as usual. Nobody can dictate your resolutions but if you must succeed in the year 2020 and beyond, you must shun non profitable associations and unhealthy decisions. Gossipers are not always successful because they don’t see beyond their nose yet they always feel they know it all. To this end, the success record of saboteurs is short lived and should not be envied. Be real, avoid fake life and embrace sincerity of purpose.
    This factor is related to knowing your limits but separated by a thin line of action. There is no crime dreaming big but don’t start living big when you are struggling to start-up a deal or a business plan that is pending to materialize. Set goals that can be achieved by leaning on the grace and mercies of God but don’t allow yourself to get choked in the middle of nowhere.
    When leaders and contemporary successful business Lords accrue wealth only to themselves, the resultant effects in the nearest future is vanity upon vanity. Success is not measured by individual ascension to the apogee of material wealth but a philanthropic touch on a single being will cut across many generation. Learn how to share the little you have with others by setting a pace for future leaders and entrepreneurs.
    Identifying your vision is key but your ability to hold on in the face of sinking storms is another grace that must be nursed in your quest for perfection. Do not feel discouraged but be battle ready to rise against the storm. Make sure you excel beyond all odds. Stay positive!
    In the journey of life, all setbacks are not sinking ships. Your abilities to convert failures to opportunities MUST be a rule. You must rise up after every fall because when there is life, there is hope.
    Mistakes is inevitable in life because nobody is above mistakes as every living soul is struggling for perfection. Be ready to learn from the mistakes you made in the time past because experience is the best teacher. You can also learn from the mistakes of others. Remain focused and be determined to make a difference. Hold on to your faith and work wiser not just harder.

May the year 2020 be favorable to all and sundry but you must shun false Prophets by thinking deep to discover your potentials. Above all, God is faithful.

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