2019: Mika’il Isah and Change in Kogi

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Today, it is a fact that the problem with Kogi state is leadership. The leader Kogi state deserves is now a thing of debate among Kogites. The leadership Kogi state urgently needs and deserves is a leader that is self made and free from the syndrome of godfatherism. The culture of political godfatherism, which pervades the political landscape of Kogi state, has for long hindered the development of the state.

This syndrome has caused the fall of so many good candidates who would have been great leaders in their own right in many areas of Kogi’s socio-economic and political spheres.

The idea that an aspiring leader’s popularity, acceptability and public goodwill can never take him to victory unless he is anointed and backed by a politically influential godfather with vested interest is a fatal blow that has caused the downfall of many leaders in Kogi state.

As the debate rages on the type of leadership we as Kogites need for the growth and development of our dear state, it is clear to all who love Kogi state that Alhaji Mika’il Isah is the answer.

As a chartered accountant with Dangote & Sawoe Construction Company, we believe he has outgrown this malady that has led to the underdevelopment of our dear state. As a professional he has the qualities that will make him facilitate the development of our state and its resources. His greatest asset is that he is a self made man and leader who has grown through the ladder of life to be who he is today.

With this man and leader Kogi state will eliminate undesirable consequences of godfatherism that has eroded its growth and development. He has always stated that godfatherism is the greatest problem in Kogi and it is borne out of an incurable penchant for all time relevance in running the affairs of the state.

The menace has denied the people of us, the people of Kogi state, the right to elect candidates of our choice. As a self made man and development agent, Isah has the resources and the will power not to subscribe to the whims and caprices of any power bloc in the state in flagrant violation of the interest of the people of the state who he has always stated are the masters of any leader.

He has also stated on many occasions that a leader who perpetually remains subservient to his bosses, the people, can catapult the state to the highest realm of development. He has vowed never to surrender the dividend of democratic rule to be decimated by some glutinous few; this he has promised shall be the gain of this new type of leadership.

We believe that Isah is equipped to fight the symmetric and asymmetric warfare of the Kogi people. The leaders that Kogi state has previously produced have wasted the state’s resources fighting for themselves and the elite.

This new type of leadership which Isah represents shall be on top of all situations in the state. It is a general believe among all Kogites, irrespective of political party affiliations, that things seem diffi cult and out of place and the state needs an innovative leader at this time. Today, the development trend in the country does not encourage dependency on allocations from the federation accounts for survival.

Thus, the innovative capacity of a leader is critical. Isah is a technocrat par excellence with innovative tendencies that could be brought to bear in the development processes of Kogi state. Japan and South Korea do not have oil but are ranked among the developed countries of the world because of their leadership ability and proclivity for good thinking and this has led to so many good products and policies for their development.

Isah has the brain and this brain shall lead us to the development of good public institutions that is strong enough to develop Kogi state. Isah, I assure all the people of Kogi state, will institutionalize development. He is a leader that will create policies and translate these policies to the developmental needs of the state. As a chartered accountant, Isah is equipped to be accountable to the people his bosses. He has never been involved in any failed enterprises because of his transparent personality and he is a man that has never been involved in any fraudulent business transactions anywhere in the world. He made his name and wealth transparently and shall govern Kogi state transparently.

This, we assure you all Kogites, you can always take to the bank. Isah shall give Kogites the dream type of leadership it has always hoped for. He recognized that the people of this state have a dream and the real constraint to the achievement of that dream is leadership and vision. The symbiotic relationship between the people’s dream and leadership vision of this young man, we believe, shall alter all factors besetting the development at its physical point to the people’s advantage.

The confidence we have in Isah is heightened by his managerial acumen because truly, he is an astute manager of men and resources. We, therefore, call on all and sundry in Kogi state to join forces and voices in calling on Isah to come and contest for the governorship of Kogi state in the next election. This promise and vision we can all then take to the bank.

– Comrade Musa writes from Lokoja, Kogi state.

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