Ocholi James EneOJO SAN… A Man I Will Never Forget

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Ocholi (SAN), It’s Exactly one year since you, madam and Joshua left and my thought of you hasn’t change one bit… RIPP………

A more humble man, I have never met….

The curtain is drawn, night has fallen for Ocholi James EneOjo (SAN), his Dear wife and son, Igala Land has been dealt a massive blow, Nigeria an irreplaceable loss.

A more humble man, I have never met. He spent his entire life working, striving for and to be good, his integrity, simplicity and intensity were attributes that left large impressions on everyone who crossed paths with him.

The man Ocholi (SAN), Your Excellency as I’ve always called him, saw hope for this country and believed he could make an indelible mark. well, he has.. It took death for that to happen.

SAN, your life was not in vain neither will your death be, you were dealt several injustices but each time, you kept going, you only saw your destination, you taught me to count my blessings in every situation. Your legacy will live on, your good name will never die and it’s beneficial to us already. We will try to fit into the shoes you left behind for Igala Land and Nigeria. GOD alone is our help… SAN, REST WELL IN GOD’S BOSSOM, Lo kpai uyoh!

– Hon. One Ejigbo

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