Kogi Project: A Divorced Bride Without Alimony by Oyigu OnucheOjo Elijah

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Though the people of Kogi state may be preparing for an electoral-like connubial event slated to hold this November following the expiration of the four years term marriage vow under a democratic coverage, it is pertinent   to note that, the onetime glowingly adored Confluence Bride has been cruelly divorced without the required alimony.

Despite being an only daughter of the famous and legendary King whose dynasty has never been in contention from ages, the glamorous Confluence Bride with a captivating beauty, mistakenly found herself in the hands of lovers who treated the love affairs with levity and landed her in a court where a controversial divorce certificate was issued her without recourse to the children’s supporting and maintenance allowance.

At the tender stage of its establishment, the state described here as a Confluence Bride had a bright hope for a fruitful future. Her scintillating exquisiteness alongside her prettiness and her gorgeous appearance through her God given various solid mineral deposits, raised her altitude above other states of the same age bracket which ultimately attracted the sweet attentions of political suitors.

They came with sugar coated tongues and honey filled saliva to propose a democratically love journey to our Confluence Bride through a politically coined paper, called manifesto. Contained in the said paper, were a few paragraphs which had a wooing voice with a convincingly deceptive tendency. As a growing bride with a teenage filled mind, our Confluence Bride was dragged into a ship entangled by the storm of ill-governance which is presently experiencing near collapse in the Confluence Sea.

However, it appeared to our precious and elegant Confluence Bride as a day-dream when she found herself in a nuptial union coded under an electoral contract with lovers who never cared to fight her warfare against external foes and provide for her welfare and those of her children.

Those suitors did not come for her destiny rather they came for the merchandise of her body. They came to milk her of her highly endowed natural resources. They never wanted to have her in love affairs for the purpose of decorating her and make her beauty apparent to passersby but rather, they came to wring her of her God given endowments and make her squeamish by obscuring her existence from the royal gathering of other Brides.

For over a decade, Kogi state has maintained the status of being married with a head over her life yet she continues to live an underprivileged life as there is no true flow of love through an effective leadership that is centered on delivering democratic dividends. She seems to have been a divorced married Bride who has continued to live under the same roof of governance with a self professed lover that is filled with parsimonious nimbleness.

As the four years term marriage vow of my beloved Kogi state under a democratic coverage expires in a few months, many political suitors have started lending their voices, proposing and pledging their love to our precious Confluence Bride who is presently tired of political adulterers and seems to be dehydrated of true love.

All the various political suitors need to be aware that Kogi state is a divorced Bride which has been subjected to a democratic heartbreak by her self-appeared political Sweet-heart, leaving her with a hollow that needs to be filled by a love filled leader who will fight her warfare and provide for her welfare.

Following the ill-treatment she has experienced from her self-professed Lovers, Our Confluence Bride has been raped on the bed of corruption, leading to the ripping off of all her bequests. From the pensioners to the active workers, payment of salaries have become a ‘search-for’ oasis in the barren region even as percentage payment system was first heard of under the watch of her current lover. Her children are weeping with a loud lamentation, howling for a 12 year extortion of her collective patrimony.

What made her children scattered across the nation in search of a kitchen to be fed other than the kitchen of their beloved mother? It is because, nothing noticeable was GIVEN her to use in catering for her children.

The primary and secondary schools in the state are synonymous to strike action with the health sector not left out of the industrial malaise. The state has been denied of employment for her little children even as infrastructural development and provision of basic amenities are not felt. Lokoja, the palace of her royalty has been made the silhouette of its old-self, making passersby wondering if there was still Ministry of Environment in the state.

Dear precious Kogites, it is for the good of our destiny and the future of our unborn children that we all need to fight for the destiny of our Confluence Bride using the weapon of our PVCs come November 21, 2015. This electoral coded Marriage should be handled with cares as we do not need to give our precious Bride to a man who will not care for her.

We need to vote in a leader who is development minded and who will bring succor to the dying souls in the land.

We need to vote in a leader who will not operate on a parasitic economy by totally depending on what comes from the centre but have an improved mechanism to diversify the state economy and improve on the Internally Generated Revenue.

My beloved people, we do not need to perpetuate the celebration of the obvious emaciation of our Confluence Bride who have been subjected to a lean economical ration, rather it’s High time we vote in an Emancipator, who will through a strong political-will revamp the decaying leadership system in the state.

We need to vote in a leader whose achievement will not end in the media but will be discernibly seen in the lives of the people he leads. We need to give the Golden Seat in the Luggard house which connotes our Confluence Bride to a man who will not abuse the inviolability of the seat by dancing to the desire of the state’s retired politicians.

– OYIGU ONUCHEOJO ELIJAH, writes from Abuja. He is reachable on Twitter: @OyiguE and oyiguelelijah@yahoo.com

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